Human Pictures

The movie platform for social and humanitarian films

With this platform we created a space where film makers and the general public can meet. We bring together people wanting to upload humanitarian and social films, videos and photos; people who seek to convey a humanitarian, social or ethical message. At the same time we want to provide a forum for political films as well as political discourse.

There is one language we can all understand. A language that does not rely on the spoken or written word: the language of photos and motion pictures.

For basic information in your native language please click on one of the links on the bottom of this page.



‘Human Pictures’ is an european film portal open to the general public. Anyone engaged in social, humanitarian, ethical topics as well as topics relating to integration, is welcome to upload their films or photos onto our website. Thus ‘Human Pictures’ is trying to bring together and connect people across national borders. Here you can socialize, network and discuss.

All movies are in flash format. Any film you are particularly interested in can be purchased/ordered in higher quality (as a DVD for example) directly from the maker of the film. We periodically provide you with ‘best of samples’. ‘Human Pictures’ is planning on organizing a European citizen film festival and in addition to that we want to go on air with ‘Human Pictures TV‘ in the foreseeable future.

In addition to all this we are working on a ‘Human Pictures Award’. Once a year this award will be given to an extraordinary humanitarian or social project we want to support by making a documentary film about them and their cause.